What is Bioresonance ?

Each of our cells, organs, tissues and systems emits its own electromagnetic wave that resonates at a specific frequency pattern, and is considered “harmonious” when it is functioning properly. Viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins and inflammation cause the cells to resonate at different frequency patterns, leading to “disharmonious” frequencies. The bioresonance machine tests for imbalances,and picks up the “disharmonious” frequencies and neutralises them. Paul Schmitt, an engineer in Germany, established the bioresonance treatment after studying energy frequencies in nature. His method of treatment has been used in Germany for over 35 years.

Each of our cells, organs, tissues and systems emits its own electromagnetic wave that resonates at a specific frequency pattern, and is considered “harmonious” when it is functioning properly. Viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins and inflammation cause the cells to resonate at different frequency patterns, leading to “disharmonious” frequencies. The bioresonance machine tests for imbalances,and picks up the “disharmonious” frequencies and neutralises them. Paul Schmitt, an engineer in Germany, established the bioresonance treatment after studying energy frequencies in nature. His method of treatment has been used in Germany for over 35 years.

How Does it work?

Bioresonance Therapy is similar to spring cleaning your house. You will ultimately clean up and throw away junk that has accumulated over time; This is the same with your body. Bioresonance therapy will help you get rid of toxic build up and re-balance your field of energy, so your body can begin to do its own healing and cleansing.The process is quite simple. Your body(organ cells,tissues,ect) emit electromagnetic signals in the form of oscillations. The Rayonex bioresonance machine receives these signals via electroids which are applied to the body. With an internal filter system, the rayonex electronically changes the oscillations by mirror imaging and relays this new information back to the body, again via electroids. The body immediately reacts to this new information and so the process continues. With the inversion of these pathological signals, the self healing power of the body is activated and strengthened. The body then regains control over its regulation and detoxification mechanisms which are vital for the immune system to stay strong.Bioresonance can evaluate and harmonize stressors such as:

  • Allergy and Food Sensitivities

  • Acute and Chronic pain

  • Hormone levels like estrogen and progesterone

  • Viruses,bacteria, fungi, molds and parasites

  • Mental and emotional blockages

  • Organ functions

  • Fertility problems

  • Sleep disorders

Bioresonance has been proven to help with chronic pain in a double blind, randomized, peer reviewed study with acute and chronic pain in patients with cervical spine syndrome. It has also had good results with rheumatic diseases. Outdoor and food intolerances can often be eliminated or reduced. The degree of success, in part, depends on whether other stressing factors can also be dealt with.

How is this therapy done?

Bioresonace therapy is completely painless and non-invasive. People generally have an overall relaxed experience. You sit in a comfortable chair while the sheet covering your back does the work. To determine the course of treatment a rayoscan is done. It’s an ECG (electrocardiogram) like test. Small pads are placed on the wrists and ankles and then connected to the machine. The initial assessment takes about 20 minutes to analyze 200 frequencies of the body to generate a report. With the report which will say what areas of your body would benefit the most from harmonizing and your symptoms a plan is made. Therapy is usually done for two hours weekly and then less frequently. Bioresonance does not interfere with other treatments. As your body heals, you may need to adjust your other treatments and medications. You must always work with your healthcare provider.The amount of treatments you will need depends on the condition,the number of conditions being treated and how long the condition has been there. The aim is to help the body’s own environment achieve its natural balance. This is a cause based therapy and many clients see improvement in three to five treatments.

Frequently asked questions

Does bioresonance work for everyone?
Nothing works for everyone, but it works for the majority. Bioresonance is the most successful with allergies and intolerances, metabolic disorders, acute and chronic pain including rheumatic diseases.
Will my allergies return after the treatments?
Bioresonance treatments are almost always permanent. Once it’s clear it is expected that it will remain that way in the future.
What age of people can be treated?
Bioresonace can be done at any age
Is bioresonance covered under Alberta Health?
Unfortunately, this therapy is not covered under Alberta Health Care or by private insurance.


Buffaloberry Bioresonance
1415 Highpoint Rd.

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